

Bali has been the favorite destination for locals and international tourists for ages. Full of magnificent beaches, breathtaking sceneries, marvelous trinkets and interesting culture, Bali is ideal for people wanting to escape from daily activities, enjoy a honeymoon, or even, have a great time with family and friends. Many beautiful resorts offer fine lodgings. Most of the starred hotels are located near the beach. Otherwise, they usually have their own private spots at certain beaches. You can find them easily at p opular spots like Kuta or Sanur. If you're in a serene highland like Ubud, forget starred hotels. You're there to embrace the atmosphere. Just pick one of the small lodgings lining up the streets. And even the smallest one's ready to make you feel welcome. s a tourist icon of Indonesia, Bali has so many interesting objects to see. We can say that the beauties of nature in Bali are almost complete. As a relatively small island, Bali has many beautiful beaches. One of the beaches which are very popular with its beautiful wave is Kuta beach. Bali also has highland and mountains area which are cool and chilly, such as Kintamani and Bedugul. In fact, there are hilly areas that allow visitors to see the beauty of the sunset combined with a landscape of the sea spread below. There are also rivers, which often served as a place to do rafting like Ayung River. In addition to natural beauty, which is very interesting in Bali is the beauty of cultural diversity. Balinese dance is one of the most beautiful dances in Indonesia, which can be enjoyed in many places in Bali. One of the dances are very interested by tourists is the Kecak Dance. Traditional Balinese Hindu culture which is still very inherent in the community also becomes part of a very interesting to be enjoyed in Bali. Every day tourists can view the activities associated with the religious and cultural rituals such as the view of Balinese women bringing ritual offerings wearing traditional clothing.



Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with a role as the capital of Indonesia as well as the government center of Indonesia. Jakarta is also one of the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and therefore governed by a governor who reports to the President of Indonesia through the Internal Affairs Minister. Due to the multi role as both a provinc regency. The five municipalities are North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara), East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur), West Jakarta (Jakarta Barat), South Jakarta (Jakarta Selatan), Central Jakarta (Jakarta Pusat), and Thousand Islands Regency (Kepulauan Seribu). Each municipality headed by a Mayor who assists to prepare the planning of their region. Thousand Island is headed by a Regent who's responsible on the financial matters. Jakarta is a metropolitan city which has millions enchantments to enjoy. There are many comfortable malls and luxurious plazas for shopping, entertainment places like bars, night club, discotheques and live music, as well as international restaurants serving good taste cuisines. Besides modernity, there are many simplicity you could see in Jakarta, such as small shops (warung) under the tent, sidewalk shops, Bajaj (three wheeled vehicle), and bicycle ojek (ride by bicycle).



Sumatra is a region of Indonesia and the 6th largest island in the world. Wild and rugged, it has a great natural wealth. Nature is the primary attraction of Sumatra. There are jungles, volcanoes and lakes. The rain-forest of this island is so important that in 2006 no less than 25,000 square km was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and named The Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra. This area comprises three distinct national parks. Perhaps the most notable specific attraction is the endemic Sumatran Orangutan (smaller and rarer than the only other species of orangutan which is endemic to Borneo). These are restricted to the northern parts of the island and perhaps the easiest place to see them is at Bukit Lawang in the Gunung Leuser National Park. Rarer still are the tiny populations of critically endangered Sumatran Tiger and Sumatran Rhinoceros. The chances of casual visitor glimpsing one of these are slim, but you never know. Also in the north, Lake Toba is the world's largest volcanic lake and a popular stop off on the backpacker trail. In a nation of active volcanoes, Mount Kerinci in Kerinci Seblat National Park, is the highest of them all at some 3,805 metres.



Java is Indonesia's fifth-largest island. Its 130 million people make up 65% of Indonesia's entire population, and makes Java the most populated island in the world. Covering an area of 127,569 sq. km (7% of Indonesia's area) and with a population density of 940 people/sq. km, Java is the world's most crowded major island as well. Java offers everything a somewhat adventurous traveler is looking for: two of world's great ancient monuments, volcanoes (all 121 of them), major national parks, rainforests, tea and rice plantations, large cities, big waves and even savanna. The scenery in most parts of Java is spectacular and, while the island is overpopulated, there are still plenty of unspoiled places. Even though the beaches are not very appealing in Java and tides can be fatal especially in south part of Java, in nearby archipelagos like Pulau Seribu or Karimunjawa the traveler can find white sand beaches and corals islands.



Kalimantan is the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo, the 3rd largest island in the world. The Indonesian part covers some 580.000 km2 (225.000 sq mi), the vast area is home to only 12 million people, so most of the provinces, especially the interior is very sparsely populated, and the vast rain forests here is some of the most bio-diverse areas in the world.